20MW Power Management and Energy Storage Facility
The Altairnano 20MW/5MWh power management facility enables rapid deployment and delivers powerful fast response capabilities to support today’s power management challenges.
Supported Smart Grid Applications:
o Frequency Regulation
o Photovoltaic Smoothing
o Wind - Ramp Rate Response
o Spinning Reserve
o Microgrids
o Power Quality Solutions

E-Future-2011 / E-Mobility - Who is preparing our youth for the future as an energy consumer? Renewable energy, solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, Smard grid, electric vehicles, space technology / энергии потребителям / Los consumidores de energía / الطاقة للمستهلكين / Het energieverbruik / جنس / sesso /zużycie energii / اسکوتر برقی / Desertec ---------- Kontakt: Dorota Ziesch Tel.:0209 - 88339422 mail: redaktion-e-zukunft@web.de